Getting your new NBN connection up and running may not always be as easy as they tell you!
NBN ‘Fiber to the node’ is the most widely used connection type around the country and connects very similar to your existing ADSL. The main difference (apart from available speed) is it must be the only thing connected to the sockets – no security alarm dialler, no fax machine, no ADSL filters, no answering machine, no phones etc. If your new connection is for a standalone residential home, then there is a good chance they will connect it right first go and your new NBN modem will just need plugging in, that is presuming your new modem is already programmed, then you should be good to go. Then (if applicable) you need to connect your phone into the back of the modem to use it, as the phone line is now working via the internet (VoIP).
However….. This is not always (and unfortunately not often) the case. Often there will be old devices still connected to the phone line that all need to be removed. If in a unit complex or similar the NBN may not be connected all the way through to your unit and may only be connected at the main cable entry (Reception for example) and needs to be patched through by a licenced AUSTEL Cabler. Then of course your modem may not be pre-programmed and you will need to log into the modem and set it up for your particular service provider.
An excellent example was a job I just did in a unit complex. The new owner had the unit renovated then moved in and ordered her new NBN connection from iinet. After the NBN tech arrived, he stated ‘you need to call an electrician’ but did not explain why, then walked out again. After many frustrating phone calls the customer got hold of me and I was called in to see what I could do.
As a result of some investigations I discovered:
- The electrician had wired the phone sockets incorrectly
- The NBN installer had left the new service not connected at the main distribution point behind reception
- The iinet new modem does not come pre-programmed and required full configuration for both the internet and the telephone (VoIP).
In a situation like the this the end user has no hope of getting their NBN working. The electrician may have been able to fix the incorrect socket wiring, but would not have been able to connect at the Main Distribution point or get the internet working. The NBN tech should have been able to correctly connect the Main Distribution point and should have programmed the modem to get internet working, he ‘may’ have programmed the telephone (VoIP) settings, but would not fix the incorrectly wired wall socket and definitely not have programmed the new Smart TV.
So, Just Ask Dave to the rescue – fixed the wall socket, connected the NBN correctly at Main Distribution frame, programmed the modem for NBN, programmed the modem for telephone (VoIP) and programmed the smart TV to connect via wireless to the modem and tested all working perfectly. Then gave the customer a brief overview of how to use the smart television for Netflix, how to connect to the internet and how to connect new devices via wireless.
The end result was one very, very happy customer. If you could benefit from this sort of service, give me a call.
Cheers, Dave.
0429 328 432